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If you are a taxable individual, 66% of your donation is deductible from your taxes up to 20% of your taxable income.
A business gift is deductible up to 60% of the payments made, up to a limit of 5% of the turnover realized in respect of the financial year.

I donate online, by credit card

For any donation over 500€, please make a transfer directly to the bank account of Life Project 4 Youth.

I donate by bank transfer

STEP 1:  I fill out the online form to benefit from the tax deduction

STEP 2:  Donation by bank transfer

"Life Project 4 Youth" SG Paris Central Agency (03010)

29 Boulevard Haussmann, 75428 Paris

IBAN: FR76 3000 3030 1000 0372 6050 816


I donate by check

STEP 1:  I fill out the online form to benefit from the tax deduction

STEP 2: Donation by check

To send with the Membership form, on the order of "Life Project 4 Youth", at the following address: Life Project 4 Youth

1 boulevard Bessieres 75017 Paris

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